Navigating A Dark Night the Soul

A Life-Changing Way Through Grief, Loss, Change, and the Darkness

Course Summary

Exploring the Depths of the Soul: Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul 
As we journey through life, we encounter various challenges and obstacles that test our resilience. It is during these dark and trying times that we have the opportunity to delve deeper into our inner selves and forge a profound connection with the world around us. 

Grief, loss, and heartache are often unwelcome visitors in our lives, signaling times of change and uncertainty. Yet, how many of us truly understand the significance of these experiences when they come knocking? Instead of embracing them as transformative moments, we tend to view them as hurdles to overcome or simply wish to bypass altogether. We use phrases like 'there is light at the end of the tunnel' or 'just shake it off' to minimize the impact of these challenges. However, these difficult moments often mark the beginning of a spiritual crisis known as the Dark Night of the Soul, where one grapples with a profound sense of loss and disorientation.

This course serves as a guide to help you navigate through the darkness and find renewed purpose when you feel lost and adrift. At the heart of the Dark Night lies powerful archetypes that lead you into the depths of your being, illuminating the path to finding inner strength and meaning. By transforming heartache into a source of inspiration, you can emerge from the darkness with a newfound sense of purpose that not only transforms your life but also influences those around you.

Through a series of multimedia lessons and engaging activities spanning over 4 hours, this course delves into the transformative journey of the Dark Night of the Soul, unlocking your potential to ignite a flame of meaningfulness in your life. Drawing inspiration from St. John of the Cross, a renowned Christian mystic, this course expands upon the concept of the Dark Night and offers a beacon of hope to guide you through your own soul's journey.  

At the core of the Dark Night are archetypal forces that guide you into the dark in order to ignite the light inside you, which in turn, lights up the darkness. This is a process of finding your deepest gifts and transforming the heartache into usable fuel to light up new meaningfulness in your life, and therefore those around you as well. 

Here, in this course, I am offering you a map of the Territory-Of-The-Soul and a way to navigate it. 
During this course you will:
• Probe into the significance of grief, loss, and change, and discover the hidden purpose they serve.
• Unveil the essence of a Dark Night of the Soul and its transformative power.
• Delve into the intricate world of archetypes and their role in navigating the darkness.
• Connect with your Soul Essence and develop strategies to overcome life's challenges.
• Embrace a fulfilling purpose that enriches your existence.
• Seek guidance from the mystical realm and tap into universal energies for support. 

Embark on this enlightening journey into the depths of the Soul, armed with a map that will illuminate your path and lead you towards reclaiming the meaningful treasures buried within the darkness.

Course Curriculum

Powerful Medicine for your Soul

For a limited time, this course is being offered as a giveaway

Consistently, students that have already taken this course have commented that if more people were aware of how powerful the Archetypal map of the Dark Night is, the world would be a better place.

Because of this feedback, I have chosen to give interested people 100% off this course in order to do what I can to help folks understand their archetypal journey better.

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Course Pricing

(See above to take advantage of the limited giveaway offer)

Dark Night

$65 USD

  • Navigating the Dark

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Ram Dass

“The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light"

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