Navigating the Challenges of Your Life With Archetypal Guidance - In-Person Workshop 3/4/23

A Way Of Understanding The Most Difficult Times In Your Life

Workshop Summary

There are countless challenges and trials we confront throughout our lives. It is in the most difficult of these times that we face direct opportunities to come in contact with our soul essence and journey through the darkness of the night into a deeper relationship with the world.

Grief, loss, sorrow, heartache – none of these things have pleasant connotations for us. They are counterparts to change and correspond with coming face to face with the unknown. Yet how many of us really know what’s happening when these things show up in our lives? For many, these are looked at as something to get through to the other side of, discard, or get around. We use language such as ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, ‘shake it off’, or ‘get over it’ to explain our approach to the toughest challenges we face in our lives. Those tough challenges are often thresholds into the psychospiritual crisis called a Dark Night of the Soul where a person struggles with a profound loss of meaning in their lives.

This workshop shows you how to navigate the journey toward finding new meaning at a time when you are lost in the darkness. At the core of the Dark Night are archetypal forces that guide you into the dark in order to ignite the light inside you and bring it out, which on multiple levels, lights up the darkness rather than gets you to the other side of it. This is a process of finding your deepest gifts and not only easing the heartache but transforming it into usable fuel to light up new meaningfulness in your life, and therefore those around you as well.  

A map of the Dark Night territory is unfolded for you in this workshop. This map and guide offers you insights about your journey into the meaninglessness in order to reach in and grasp the meaningful treasure you have inside you and bring it out to dispel the darkness.  

Cost includes: 
3-Hours In-Person 
+ Bonus Online Materials Included
You will:
• Investigate the importance of the most difficult challenges we have in life and what purpose those challenges offer
     • They do have a purpose, even though it doesn’t feel like it when you’re in it
• Explore what a Dark Night of the Soul is and what it can do for us
• Discover the role archetypes and archetypal identities play in the Dark Night process and how they can help us navigate the darkness
     • A map into archetypal territory is essential in understanding what the main influential forces are in the journey into the dark

• Attending this course will also give you access to the online course:
Navigating a Dark Night of the Soul - A Life-Changing Way Through Grief, Loss, Change, and the Darkness

In-Person Workshop

In-Person Workshop

Ram Dass

“The shadow is the greatest teacher for how to come to the light"

Course Pricing

Navigating the Dark

$38 USD

  • In-Person Workshop

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